понедељак, 16. мај 2011.

Due occhi diabolici

Two horror tales based on short stories by Edgar Allan Poe directed by two famous horror directors, George A. Romero and Dario Argento.

Due occhi diabolici

Due occhi diabolici

"The Facts About Mr. Valdeman." A woman's husband is on his deathbed, and a psychiatrist with whom she's having an affair hypnotizes him so they can get him to sign all his money over to his wife before he dies. The husband dies when he is still in a trance and becomes stuck between the two worlds, and seeks revenge and release. "The Black Cat." A forensic photographer resents his girlfriend bringing a stray cat home. He dispatches the little furball, only to find out he can't rid himself of it that eas! ily. Based on stories by E. A. Poe. Written by Ed Sutton <esutton@mindspring.com>

Two horror segments based on Edgar Allan Poe stories set in and around the city of Pittsburgh. "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" concerns a cheating wife who is trying to scam her dying husband out of millions by having her doctor/hypnotist lover hypnotize the geezer into signing his dough over to her. The old man dies while under hypnosis and is stuck in the limbo between the here and the hereafter. The door to the physical world is opened and the undead attempt to enter it. "Black Cat" is the story of Rodd Usher, an alcoholic photographer/artist, who descends into madness after he kills a stray cat that his live-in girlfriend Annabelle brings home. One murder leads to another, and the complex cover-ups begin. Written by Hussein Juma

Genres: Fantasy Horror Mystery Thriller

Release year: 1990

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